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The future of commercial cleaning

Coronavirus Fact Sheet

We want to talk about a cleaning problem that’s been overlooked for too long: biofilms.


Biofilms are made of microorganisms - such as bacteria - evolving and growing as a collective. Some are even visible to the naked eye - such as those hard-to-clean pink areas on your shower tiles or at the base of your taps.


Biofilms are central to our most important global challenges – from antimicrobial resistance and food safety to water security - and even cleaning.


Together with research and industry experts, the National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC), we explore biofilms and how to tackle them with emerging barrier technologies.


Why is barrier technology important in cleaning?


Conventional cleaning products don’t always remove and prevent biofilms, so the commercial cleaning sector needs to find new ways to keep workspaces and other public spaces safe.


Given their resilience, a more effective treatment against biofilms is to make surfaces themselves antimicrobial, preventing bacteria from colonising in the first place. Products that do this are known as barrier technologies.


What does this mean for REACT’s customers?


REACT is always researching credible and proven technologies to provide the safest and cleanest environments for our clients. We will only use products that have evidence of scientific research and empirical data demonstrating testing regulation and independent results.


We know that all barrier technologies work diff erently, and the market is evolving all the time. Company research - like this collaboration with NBIC - is vital to developing our services.


In addition to new products or technologies, our operatives always apply best practice - such as following manufacturers’ guidelines to ensure that any subsequent cleaning doesn’t compromise the protective surface, implementing the clean to dirty path methodology and applying rigorous colour coding to reduce cross contamination risks.


Ready to find out more about tackling biofilms? Read our free report. No sign up necessary.




Speak with us to explore how we can use modern and eff ective cleaning methods in your workplace.


Articles on barrier technology and biofilms

React Specialist Cleaning BS-EN-ISO 9001

Highly rated for speed and quality. BS-EN-ISO 9001.

Security cleared and Properly equipped t

Security cleared, highly trained and fully equiped.

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£10 million of relevant insurance cover.

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Staff are medically fit and fully immunised.

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Licensed Waste Carrier

ISO14001 Enviro Management.

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