Whether it’s offensive hygiene waste or less biohazardous material, we’re experts at clinical waste removal from healthcare facilities.

We work with healthcare providers to tackle all their specialist cleaning assignments. Whether it’s a scheduled daily clean, or dealing with a spillage in an emergency, we work to improve hygiene. One of the more specialist tasks during hospital cleaning is clinical waste removal. Now more than ever, given the Covid-19 pandemic, disposing safely of biohazardous waste is crucial for safeguarding public health. It’s also essential for ensuring that hospitals and other healthcare facilities are safe places to work. Whether it’s so-called offensive hygiene waste or less biohazardous material, we have the expertise to handle clinical waste correctly. In this blog, we’re going to take a closer look at what’s involved, and how we measure up.
Clinical waste removal, by the regulations
The management of clinical waste in the UK is governed by a number of strict regulations, including The Environmental Protection Act 1990, The Controlled Waste Regulations 2012, and The Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005. Under these laws, all producers of waste have a duty of care to confirm its correct handling and documentation of its transfer. Healthcare waste managers must also follow the Healthcare Technical Memorandum to guarantee that clinical waste is dealt with safely. And they need to audit their waste management procedures at regular intervals.
Classifying and segregating clinical waste is key
It’s important that these waste regulations are followed at all times, to protect the environment and human health. There are measures in place for the correct storage, classification, segregation and handling of all healthcare waste. Firstly, individual containers of waste cannot be stored loose. Bagged waste must be stored in fully enclosed and leak-proof containers such as carts. Rigid waste containers should be in good condition and sealed and handled in an upright position. Overloading or puncturing waste should be avoided, and containers should be stored according to the waste type and destination.
Each type of waste is coded, which denotes the type of waste and appropriate waste management activity. There is strict colour coding in place for different types of waste, which will also govern how it can be disposed of. For instance, in England, some waste is known as offensive hygiene waste and is sorted into yellow bags with a black stripe. Chemical or heat-based disinfection can be used as an alternative to incineration in the case of infectious healthcare waste. However, this waste should not contain any chemicals, medicines or anatomical waste, so it’s always essential to clarify what waste can go in which bin. Meanwhile, anatomical waste must be stored in refrigerated units, unless it will be onsite for under 24 hours. And more generally, offensive wastes must be stored in a secure building in secure bulk containers.
Hospital cleaning that looks after public health and workplace safety
With our extensive experience across the healthcare sector, we provide robust and reliable removal services for offensive hygiene waste, other clinical waste, and needles and sharps. As an upper-tier licensed waste carrier, we’re entitled to carry waste from whatever source it comes. And we can provide expert guidance to healthcare providers on the optimal approach to ensure compliance with legislation and customised solutions. Whether it’s scheduled or ad hoc collections, we’ll use dedicated specialist containers to meet all the requirements of the regulations.
More generally, we take seriously our responsibilities towards protecting the environment. We’re proud to hold ISO 14001, Environmental Management. This kitemark is the international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS). We continuously work to improve our own environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste. We’ve developed an environmental policy that reflects our commitments. We’ve identified how our organisation interacts with the environment, and the actual and potential environmental impacts of our work. We’ve identified environmental compliance requirements, and established environmental objectives, targets and programmes. We monitor and measure our progress to achieve these objectives, and we regularly review our environmental performance.
To find out more about clinical waste removal, hospital cleaning, and other React Specialist Cleaning services, contact one of the team today.
Telephone: 01283 550 503
Email: info@reactplc.co.uk
Website: www.reactsc.co.uk
Post by Shaun D. Doak
Shaun is the CEO of React Group plc., a business dedicated to specialist cleaning, hygiene and decontamination. He is deeply committed to making sure that every one of our company’s clients receives the highest possible level of service. An expert in HVAC and commercial and industrial cleaning methodologies, Shaun has extensive experience in the facilities management and renewable services sector.