Residential and commercial property owners can avoid problems during gaps in occupancy with our void property cleaning service.

Property is a unique asset class: bricks and mortar have a physical presence, but there’s also a psychological aspect to it. Of course, residential property is often so much more than just an asset; after all, an Englishman’s home is his castle, as the saying goes. Meanwhile, commercial property often provides the basis for local economies that can affect how an area perceives and portrays itself. But for all property types, at any one time, there are thousands of properties around the UK that are not in use. For owners of and investors in property, a ‘void’ period of not being rented out and/or occupied can be hugely problematic. In this blog, we’re looking at how our void property cleaning services can minimise the risks associated with property voids.
Residential property void cleaning, for housing associations and beyond
Everyone needs a place to live, and residential property is one of the most important parts of the UK economy, in both the public and private sectors. Government figures showed that social housing providers alone hold a stock of some 4.14 million housing units in 2018. Given the size of this housing stock, that total includes a large number of voids. And for private landlords, certain properties can be difficult to rent out, for all sorts of reasons. Indeed, separate government figures suggested that there were nearly 220,000 long-term vacant properties across the UK in October 2018.
Even beyond long-term property voids, there are all sorts of sometimes distressing reasons why properties may be vacant. And there may be severe challenges to returning any residential property to a safe, hygienic and usable state. Depending on the precise circumstances under which it became vacant, there may be a need to remove biohazardous waste, which can include human or animal waste. Even if the reason for the void is simply that a tenancy has come to an end, or a property owner has departed, there may be specific issues arising. For instance, it may demand a full house clearance; in extreme cases of hoarding, this can be a major undertaking.
How to minimise the impact of commercial property voids
For those in the commercial property and facilities management sector, the topic of voids needs no introduction. One scenario would be that a tenant had to vacate in a hurry due to financial difficulties, and it’s taken a while to re-let. In many void properties, especially commercial ones, there are some very specific items that need clearing, including residual hazardous materials. Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSSH), there is a wide range of substances that require careful and expert handling. COSSH covers chemicals, products containing chemicals, fumes, dust, vapours, mists and gases, all of which may need to be removed safely.
Further hazards in commercial (and to a lesser extent, residential) properties surround discarded needles and sharps. And another key area in void property cleaning is dealing with vermin. Whether the intruders are feathered, furred or invertebrate, it’s essential to clear waste, not least since pigeon and other bird guano can be damaging to human health and the fabric of buildings. It’s also important to install deterrents, and to ensure that buildings are secure from future infestation.
Void property cleaning is specialist work
Dealing with a void property is definitely an area that requires specialist cleaning knowledge. Whatever property type they’re dealing with, our property teams at REACT are highly trained, well-equipped and security cleared. What’s more, team members are medically fit and inoculated to protect themselves from hazard. We operate to industry-leading standards, including BS-EN-ISO 9001:2018 and ISO14001 for Environmental Management. We are also a licensed waste carrier with a fully traceable waste disposal system.
When a property has been vacated or abandoned, our team will return it to a safe, hygienic, and usable state. We provide a full-service property cleaning, decontamination, and clearance service. Whatever type of property it is, we take the same rigorous approach. We start by quickly eliminating health hazards and removing all types of waste (including materials that require specialist handling). We then go on to deep clean the property to the most exacting standards. With our expertise as licensed waste carriers, we can remove hazardous waste, including needles and sharps. And if the property has fallen foul of vermin, we can perform every aspect of vermin management, from waste removal to preventative measures that will stop creatures returning. Whatever the specific challenges of the job, we have the experience and expertise to get it done.
To find out more about REACT Specialist Cleaning and our void property cleaning services, contact one of the team today.
Telephone: 01283 550 503
Post by Shaun D. Doak
Shaun is the CEO of REACT Group plc., a business dedicated to specialist cleaning, hygiene and decontamination. He is deeply committed to making sure that every one of our company’s clients receives the highest possible level of service. An expert in HVAC and commercial and industrial cleaning methodologies, Shaun has extensive experience in the facilities management and renewable services sector.